February 10, 2025! Good News! ICBDM 2025 submission system is open. Welcome your full paper or abstract to ICBDM2025.

November 15, 2024! Good News! As the workshop of ICMLC 2024, all accepted papers of ICBDM 2024 had been published into ICMLC 2024 conference proceeding (ISBN: 979-8-4007-0923-4) which is included in ACM Digital Library and indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus.

February 7, 2024! Good News! ICBDM2024 has been successfully held in Shenzhen, China during February 2-5, 2024.

December 01, 2023!Final Call! The submission deadline has been extended to December 30, 2023. Welcome you to submit the paper or abstract.

October 01, 2023!Notification! The submission deadline has been extended to October 30, 2023. Welcome you to submit the paper or abstract.

August 21, 2023!Notification! The submission deadline has been extended to September 30, 2023. Welcome you to submit the paper or abstract.

April 16, 2023!Notification! ICBDM 2024 will be held in Shenzhen, China during February 2-5, 2024.

March 20, 2023!Good News! With the support of all participants, ICBDM 2023 has been held during Feb. 17-20, 2023 in Zhuhai in hybird with virtual style.

December 21, 2022! Notification! The final submission deadline has been extended to December 28, 2022. Welcome you to submit the paper or abstract.

November 11, 2022! Notification! The submission deadline has been extended to December 20, 2022. Welcome you to submit the paper or abstract.

April 23, 2022! Good News! ICBDM 2023 conference will be held in Zhuhai, China on February 17-February 20, 2023. . Welcome you to submit the paper or abstract.

December 1, 2021! Notification! The submission deadline has been extended to December 20, 2021(Final Call). Welcome you to submit the paper or abstract.

October 26, 2021! Notification! The submission deadline has been extended to November 30, 2021. Welcome you to submit the paper or abstract.

September 16, 2021! Notification! The submission deadline has been extended to October 25, 2021. Welcome you to submit the paper or abstract.

April 29, 2021! Notification! ICBDM 2022 Conference will be held in Guangzhou, China on February 18-22, 2021.

March 4, 2021! Good news! ICBDM 2022 Conference has been held on February 26-March 1, 2021 in full virtual style successfully due to the travel restriction and uncertain COVID-19 pandemic. (Read more)

December 1, 2020! Notification! The submission deadline has been extended to December 30, 2020. Welcome you to submit the paper or abstract!

November 10, 2020! Notification! The conference venue has been confirmed. ICBDM 2021 will be held in Grand Soluxe Zhongyou Hotel Shenzhen.(Read more)

October 26, 2020! Notification! The submission deadline has been extended to November 30, 2020. Welcome you to submit the paper or abstract. (Read more)

September 18, 2020! Good news! Welcome Dr. Nirmalya Thakur,University of Cincinnati in Ohio, USA to join in our technical committees. (Read more)

September 16, 2020! Notification! Referring to some authors' requests, the submission deadline has been extended to October 25, 2020. Welcome you to submit the paper or abstract.

July 14, 2020! Good news! Welcome Prof. Leiming Ma, Shanghai Central Meteorological Observatory, China to join in us and make the invited speech.(Read more)

July 13, 2020! Good news! Welcome Prof. Nikola Kasabov, Fellow of IEEE, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand to make the keynote speech. (Read more)

July 9, 2020! Good news! Welcome Prof. Assaf Schuster, ACM Fellow&IEEE Fellow, Israel Institute of Technology, Israel and Prof. Shyi-Ming Chen, IEEE Fellow, IET Fellow, IFSA Fellow, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan to join in us and make the keynote speech. (Read more)

June 21, 2020! Good news! ICBDM 2021 conference will be held in Shenzhen, China on February 26-March 1, 2021. Welcome you to submit the paper or abstract.

June 21, 2020! Good news! ICBDM 2020 conference has been held in fully virtual style on June 19-21, 2020 for 1st time successfully. (Read more)

Dec. 6, 2019! Notification! The submission deadline has been extended to Dec. 20, 2020 (Final Call). Welcome you to submit the paper!

Nov. 26, 2019! Welcome Prof. Xin-Yao Zou, Guangdong AIB Polytechnic College, China to join in our technical committees. (Click)

Nov. 19, 2019! The conference program has been updated. (Read more)

Nov. 1, 2019! Welcome Dr. Nicolas TURENNE, Beijing Normal University & Hong Kong Baptist University, China, etc. to join in our technical committees. (Click)

October 26, 2019! Considering some authors' requests, the submission deadline has been extended to Dec. 5, 2019. Welcome you to submit the paper!

September 16, 2019! The conference venue has been confirmed. ICBDM 2020 conference will be held in Friends International Hotel. (Click)

September 16, 2019! Considering some authors' requests, the submission deadline has been extended to Oct. 25, 2019. Welcome you to submit the paper!

July 26, 2019! Welcome Prof. CHILUKURI K. MOHAN, Syracuse University, USA to join in our technical committees. (Click)

July 5, 2019! Welcome Prof. He Zhang, Nanjing University, China and Prof. Young-Koo Lee, Kyung Hee University, Korea to join in our technical committees. (Click)

Feb. 25, 2019! 2019 the 2nd International Conference on Big Data Management has been held in Zhuhai, China successfully on Feb. 22-24, 2019! (Read More)

September 19, 2018! The conference venue has been confirmed. (Read More)

May 23, 2018! Good News. Welcome Prof. Hong Zhang, Griffith University, Australia to make the plenary speech for us.

May 22, 2018! Good News. Welcome Assoc. Prof. Simon James Fong, University of Macau, China, Assoc. Prof. Lin Huang, Metropolitan State University of Denver, USA to make the keynote speech, Prof. Min-Ling Zhang, Southeast University, China, Prof. Liying Zheng, Harbin Engineering University, China to make the plenary speech for us.

May 4, 2018! Good News. ICBDM 2019 will be held in Zhuhai, China on February 22-24, 2019.

February 29, 2018! Good News. ICBDM 2018 has been held successfully in University of Macau, Macau.